Description Sets the default parameters to connect to the CSPanorama Service. The default parameters are set in JavaScript object myConfig. following are the members of myConfig object.
PanoramaService : location where the CSPanorama Service is hosted.
thumbnailSet : Number of thumbnails displayed in one set (for multipage documents).
thumbPageWidth : width of the thumbnail image in pixel.
thumbPageHeight : height of the thumbnail image in pixel.
showFileDivId: the ID of the Viewer Div. For this version keep the ID as Panorama-Viewer only. Panorama shows the files on your browser in this div element.
annotation : Set this value to true if you want to draw annotation on the Panorama-Viewer.
Syntax PanoramaAPI.setMyConfig(myConfig)
Parameters myConfig:JavaScriptObject myConfig JavaScript Object is defined as given below:
PanoramaService: "http://PanoramaConversionEngine.svc",
thumbnailSet: "5",
thumbPageWidth: "180",
thumbPageHeight: "180",
showFileDivId: "#Panorama-Viewer",
annotation: true
Returns NA


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